Engine care isn't a maintenance job that always requires a professional. In fact, sustaining and even improving the service life of your boat engine may only require a few inspections and post-sailing trip tasks and treatments. In this blog, Mylor Chandlery will guide you through a few simple and effective ways to keep your boat running now and for years to come.
#1. Regularly flush out your engine, especially if you're a saltwater seafarer. Most outboard engine manufacturers will recommend flushing fresh water through your motor to prevent the build-up of salty or scaly deposits. Similarly, if you've sailed through freshwater that's heavy in silt or mud you should always give your engine a flush. Before you flush your engine make sure the prop is safe and clear to run and ensure it isn't in gear.
#2. While you're flushing your outboard motor make sure water is flowing effectively through the pump. The pump water stream shouldn't be hot but warm, and a bit of pressure on the stream means that everything is running as it should be. If the water stream is weak, this could be a sign of trapped debris; turn the engine off straight away and work to dislodge anything stuck in the output tube.
#3. After completing a flush, detach the fuel line and run your outboard engine completely out of fuel. Turn off the engine at the key and switch off the battery if necessary.
#4. Remove the engine cover and inspect for any fuel or water leakage. Any leaks you do find will likely require the expertise of a mechanic. Clean and then spray with WD40, available in various sizes at Mylor. This will protect metal from rust and corrosion, penetrate stuck parts, displace moisture, and lubricate just about anything.
#5. When the sailing season is over, drain the fuel tank system and, if possible, endeavour to dispose of waste fuel safely by searching for a local hazardous waste disposal service near you on the GOV.UK website.
What Engine Care Products Can I Buy?
Marine 16 Diesel Fuel Complete Treatment
This incredible multi-use treatment for stored fuel prevents the growth of diesel bugs, increases Cetane number for easier starting, reduces fuel system and injector deposits to zero, improves fuel consumption and much more. It's also available in 3 sizes.
This special formula prevents corrosion when storing inboard or outboard engines for a long period of time. It makes engine starting after storage fast and easy while protecting cylinder walls, piston rings and other combustion chamber surfaces from rust and corrosion during storage.
Featuring a special hydrodynamic design, the Whale Tail XL extends out behind the prop to make efficient use of prop wash energy which is normally lost. This will give you lift for instant response when the throttle is engaged.